How much do you know about credit?

Credit counseling is free for Pelican members!1

Our team of Nationally Certified Credit Counselors can help you create a budget, consolidate and manage debt, understand credit and credit scores, and so much more! Meet one-on-one with someone in person or virtually at absolutely no cost to you.

1You have the right to a free credit report from or 877-322-8228, the ONLY authorized source under federal law. Credit counseling is intended to give you the financial education you need to make informed decisions. Results may vary. Pelican and its employees are not responsible for any claim, suit, action or damage resulting from credit counseling.

2Pelican State CU membership required to take advantage of membership benefits. If you are not a Pelican member, you must be eligible to open a primary savings account with Pelican to become one. The deposit to open a primary savings account starts at a minimum of $10 ($5 to join + $5 minimum balance).